Are you tired of reapplying cosmetics every day? TMS Aesthetics offers permanent makeup treatments.

After your initial treatment, you'll have a follow-up session in six weeks. After that, you'll need to refresh the color every 18 months to two years. Permanent makeup is applied through micro-pigmentation using a tattoo pen to inject permanent ink into the skin. The color eventually fades as any other tattoo will.

Call 903-381-4411 today to schedule your makeup tattoo appointment in Longview, Texas.

Enjoy the beautiful benefits

While permanent makeup can be expensive, you'll benefit from not needing to apply makeup every day. Makeup tattoos don't come off when you swim, exercise or shower. We offer makeup tattoos for your:

  • Eyebrows
  • Lips
  • Eyeliner

Permanent makeup is beneficial for those who have difficulty applying makeup due to age or health issues. Visit TMS Aesthetics today for permanent makeup in Longview, TX.